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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium at Burrough Green CofE Primary Academy 2023-24

The provision of a ‘pupil premium’ for all schools is to support schools in improving the achievement of our most disadvantaged children and young people. Schools have been asked to communicate how they use their pupil premium so that the community is aware of the steps being taken to invest in their future.

In the 2023-2024 financial year, Burrough Green has been allocated £25,900 for pupil premium funding. In addition to the funding support outlined within the ‘Reviewed Pupil Premium Funding Plan 2021-2022’ and the ‘Funding Plan for Pupil Premium 2022-2023’ a range of interventions are delivered by teachers and Teaching Assistants to pupils identified as needing support. This includes small group work to develop early literacy and maths skills, and individual support for phonics and reading comprehension, as well as more holistic support to help with attitudes to learning and behaviour.

Pupils receiving ‘pupil premium’ funding at our school experience a range of cognitive, emotional and economic challenges to their development, so we aim to widen opportunity, support learning and provide guidance to enable them all to succeed.

Please be aware that Burrough Green CofE Primary Academy is a small school with small numbers of pupils in receipt of ‘pupil premium’ funding. Small differences in cohorts of children can have large impacts on published outcomes, so care and discretion should be exercised when reading this document.

Tiered approach to Pupil Premium

There are 3 areas that are considered when meeting the needs of this cohort of students:

  • High Quality Teaching
  • Targeted Academic Support
  • Wider Strategies

The process of developing and sustaining Pupil Premium spending

The process is cyclical:

1) Diagnose the pupils' needs

2) Use strong evidence to support the strategy.

3) Implement the strategy.

4) Monitor and evaluate the strategy.

The process then returns to point 1) and begins again.