Our School Governors
The school governors have overall strategic and financial responsibility for our school which is done in consultation with the Head Teacher who is responsible for day to day organisation. The three core functions of the Governing Body are:
- ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
Our Governing Body uses the "Circle" model of governance, which means we do not have subcommittees, but individual governors may have Link roles to monitor specific areas of the school and the School Improvement Plan. All the governors meet 3 times a term in a Full Governing Body meeting.
The governing body consists of:
2 elected parent governors: Georgina Shepherd and Rachel McDonnell, 1 vacancy
1 LA governor: Alan Sharp
1 Headteacher: David Sandford
1 elected staff governor: Alice Leadbeter
2 foundation governors: Anthea Kenna (Chair), Stephen Roberts
3 co-opted governors: Lucy Talbot, 2 vacancies
Clerk: Katie Woodcock
“Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level. The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.”
ANTHEA KENNA - Chair of Governors
Governor type: Foundation Governor
Joining date: 26th August 2015
Current Term of Office: 10th December 2019 - 9th December 2023
Appointed by: The Diocese of Ely
Responsibilities: Chair of Governors; Leadership, Inclusion and Safeguarding Link Governor; SIAMS working party; HTAR panel
Register of interests: Self-employed Education Consultant; Member of Ely Diocesean Board of Education; Trustee at the NGA, Hockerill Education Trust and Keswick Hall Trust; Director of King's School Enterprises; Chair of Governors at Bewick Bridge Community Primary School; Governor at Kettlefields Community Primary School.
Why did you become a governor?
Recently retired, following a career in Church School Headship spanning 25 years and as a Churchwarden within the Benefice, I wished to support our local schools. I worked in Cambridgeshire and Essex as Headteacher, Associate Adviser and School Improvement Partner and am currently working with Church Schools within East Anglia as an adviser, supporting those schools requiring improvement. I am a keen musician and enjoy working with young people, providing quality musical experiences. Performing with many amateur musical groups, either as an instrumentalist or a singer, gives me great pleasure and I enjoy being on stage. Although I don’t participate as much now as I would wish to, I have always enjoyed sport and, in my younger days, competed at regional level. In general, I enjoy challenges and am blessed with a great deal of energy. When I am relaxing, I read, bake and do puzzles! My expertise covers all aspects of school leadership and management and, in particular, those relating to Church Schools. I am committed to giving our young people the very best start in their educational journey.
DAVID SANDFORD - Headteacher
Governor Type: Headteacher
Term of Office: 1st September 2023 - present
Appointed by: Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher
Register of interests:
I joined Burrough Green C of E Primary School in September 2023 as Headteacher. This is my first headship, after being Deputy Headteacher in 4 very different settings across Suffolk. I have been in education since 1995 and I have experience of all age ranges.
School improvement is very much what I am about and the desire to make any educational establishment I have worked in ‘as good as it can possibly be’ is my sole driver and motivation.
Burrough Green is a beautiful village and has a wonderful community – my aim is to develop the school in all ways and make it central to that community. The children we have make Burrough Green an amazing place to work. The governors have welcomed me and they are both supportive and knowledgeable – this, coupled with my own motivations, will help me to provide support, challenge and direction for the future of the school.
ALICE LEADBETER - Assistant Headteacher and Staff Governor
Governor Type: Staff Governor
Joining Date: 8th November 2020
Current Term of Office: 17th March 2023 - 16th March 2027
Appointed by: Elected by staff
Responsibilities: SIAMS working party
Register of Interests: None
Why did you become a governor?
I have been a teacher for many years. My aim has always been to do my very best for children and to give them the best experiences that I possibly can. This involves working with their parents and the community where they live. Teaching within the school allows me to work closely with the children and their families. Being a governor gives me the opportunity to work with the wider community. It allows me time to reflect and to look at things differently. I feel very lucky to have this opportunity to do everything I can to achieve my aim.
LUCY TALBOT - Co-Opted Governor
Governor Type: Co-opted Governor
Joining Date: 2nd May 2023
Current Term of Office: 2nd May 2023 – 1st May 2027
Appointed by: The Governing Body
Responsibility: Link governor for Maths
Register of interests: None
Why did you become a governor?
I have lived in the village for 28 years and our children attended the school. Following school, I qualified as an Occupational Therapist. My career has predominantly been working with those with physical disability and latterly with children and adults with unintelligible speech. I have general mental health experience and am sympathetic to those with any difficulties. I retired 18 months ago. I am warden of the church and am keen to enhance the links between the school and the church. I was successful in obtaining grants for the building making the facilities more accessible to the wider community, including the school as it now has a WC. I run the annual church fête which takes place in our garden, last year, making £4,500. I am a practical person with a wide range of skills. I would like to join the governors to help support the staff and children in their quest for all children to attain their maximum individual potential. I believe in working as a team and together continuing to improve educational standards for all children at the same time as developing children's emotional welfare to help them as they move forwards in their young lives.
Governor type: Parent Governor.
Joining Date: 31st March 2022
Current Term of Office: 31st March 2022 - 30th March 2026
Appointed by: Elected by parents
Responsibilities: Link Governor for English and website; link to the PTA; HTAR panel
Register of interests: None
Why did you become a governor?
With two daughters at the school, I felt that it is important to give something back. I therefore took on the role because I feel strongly that all children should receive an education which allows them to reach their full potential and to become happy, well-rounded individuals. I look forward to helping the school improve and develop their place within the local community.
ALAN SHARP - Local Authority Governor
Governor Type: Local Authority Governor
Joining Date: 17th March 2016
Current Term of Office: 4th November 2021 - 2rd November 2025
Appointed by: Nominated by the LA and appointed by the Governing Body
Responsibility: Finance Link Governor
Register of interests: Elected member of Cambridgeshire County Council; Elected member of East Cambridgeshire District Council; Owner of A Sharp Accountant; Co-Chair of Governors at Bottisham Village College.
Why did you become a governor?
I expressed an interest in joining the Governing Body of the school during the middle of 2015 and it had taken time to get this formally approved by the Diocese.
I joined the Governing Body because I wanted to contribute to the local community that I had moved into. I have been an active Governor of schools which my children attended and feel that, whilst education has changed in that time, I feel that my experience during that time will help support the Head and staff in providing the best possible education to the children going through school.
My career as a Chartered Accountant for the last 20 years spent in Central Government will give financial experience to the Head and staff in maximising the resources that the school receives.
STEPHEN ROBERTS - Foundation Governor
Governor Type: Foundation Governor
Joining Date: 1st April 2022
Current Term of Office: 1st April 2022 - 31st March 2026
Appointed by: Diocese of Ely
Responsibilities: Link Governor for RE & Collective Worship; SIAMS working party
Register of interests: None
Why did you become a Governor?
I'm pleased to represent the local group of churches on the board of school governors for Burrough Green School. I'm a Churchwarden at St Peter’s Church, Carlton which is one of the feeder villages for the school. I’m also Chair of Carlton Parish Council, hence I’m well acquainted with many local matters affecting the local population. I believe that it's important for the school to maintain its vital role at the heart of our local community, and to be a place where both children and their wider families are made welcome.
I served as a police officer in Cambridgeshire for many years, and believe that this, together with subsequent management skills, will facilitate me to undertake an active role as a governor at the school. As a foundation governor, I would wish to support the headteacher and other school staff in providing a Christian-based approach to teaching our local children.
RACHEL McDONNELL - Parent Governor
Governor type: Parent Governor.
Joining Date: 12th October 2023
Current Term of Office: 12th October 2023 – 11th October 2027
Appointed by: Elected by parents
Responsibilities: TBC
Register of interests: None
Why did you become a governor?
I live in the village and am soon to have two children at the school. I'm keen to give something back to the local community and support the school, its teachers and its pupils. I'm hoping that my career as a commercial lawyer will enable me to bring something different to the governing body and to provide useful insight and perspectives.